Ivan: The Remarkable True Story Of The Shopping Mall Gorilla

Image result for Ivan: The Remarkable True Story Of The Shopping Mall Gorilla.The story “Ivan: The Remarkable True Story Of The Shopping Mall Gorilla” by Katherine Applegate. Is a book with a very strong message about two baby gorilla that got captured by poachers, and were sent to a shopping mall to attract attention. One of them was a girl and the other one was a boy. Burma, and  Ivan. Berma dies shortly after they captured her, but Ivan survived, and lived in the mall for 27 lonely years. People started protesting, and trying to get Ivan back into the jungle. Ivan got sent to a zoo instead, that took care of their animals, and they also had 2 acres of land, just for gorillas, which was way better than a 14″ by 14″ inch cage. He lived a long happy life at the end, and died when he turned 50. I really liked the message, and it was a really strong message about animals, and animal abuse. I really enjoyed this book, although it was very sad. I would recommend it to anyone, any age, because it depends on how you take in the message.